That is any significant and productive physical or mental worth activity which is done for wages or generated self employment income or profit that averaged more per month than as described below. 2017-------$1170 per month 2018----------$1180 per month...
Month: November 2020
Who does Social Security want medical evidence from in determining whether you are disabled?
The following are acceptable medical sources •Licensed physicians (medical or osteopathic doctors). •Licensed or certified psychologists. •School psychologists, or other licensed or certified individuals with other titles who perform the same function as a school...
Social Security Disability Answers
What kind of evidence do I need to supply to Social Security? You must supply medical evidence showing you have an impairment and how severe it is during the time period you say you were disabled. Remember, Social Security will only consider the impairments you say...
What is the Missing Part of your Estate Plan?
Now you have a will or you have a revocable living trust and a will. You have gotten your Power of Attorney for Health Care and Power of Attorney for Property done. What could be left? You need a digital assets inventory! That would be a complete list of your online...
More answers to your Social Security Disability questions!
What are the three (3) categories of persons who can qualify for benefits under Title II of the Social Security Act? A. Disabled workers under age 65 who have been employed or self employed long enough and recently enough under Social Security: B. a person who has...
Questions concerning Social Security Disability
Whose responsibility is it to prove you are disabled? The burden of proof is on the person applying for benefits. SSA will consider all the information in your file but if you have not submitted the evidence that believe supports your claim SSA will not consider it....
Avoid these estate planning mistakes
Putting together an estate plan takes work, careful thought and an understanding of the law. Unfortunately, many Illinois residents either put off the estate planning process, or they complete it but end up with plans that have glaring errors that will only hurt their...
Learn about Trusts
Both trusts are beneficial for their own reasons. A testamentary trust goes into effect only after death and it’s usually created as part of a will. A living trust goes into effect immediately. Which one should you pick? It all depends on what will fit YOUR plans. ...
What about Medicaid?
“If Grandpa goes into a nursing home, will he have to pay out of pocket until resources are drained in order for Medicaid benefits to start?” .It’s true that in order to qualify for Medicaid, a single person can only have $2,000 of total “countable” assets (like...
Family working together
Want to make sure your kids don’t squabble after you’re gone? Make a plan and get it legally documented. Let them know who gets what and MAKE IT CLEAR. Because it takes little time to plan, but it can save a family from falling apart. .William...
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