MetLife is among the bigger sellers of the coverage, with about 600,000 policyholders, or about 8%, among the eight million who have long-term-care insurance in the U.S., according to the company and an industry trade association. Its $36 million in sales last year...
Month: November 2010
2011 Part B Medicare premiums will not increase for most on Social Security
The majority of Medicare beneficiaries will not see an increase in their Part B premium because there will be no Social Security cost-of-living adjustment for 2011. They will continue to pay the same Part B premium, $96.40, which they paid in 2009 and 2010. A hold...
How much does the Fed government owe the SSA Trust Fund?
We all know the famous Social Security Trust Fund does not exist. Over the years Congress has spent every cent that came in and more to over their deficit spending. They issued Treasury bills, notes and bonds to generate the cash that was not coming in from...
Give back your social security check to get more money?
Hey, retirees: Looking for a way to bring in more money? Give back all the Social Security checks you have received so far. An often-overlooked provision allows Social Security recipients to withdraw their original application for benefits and to refile. For...
Doctors payments to be cut by Medicare on December 1
Unless Congress intervenes, payments to doctors for treating Medicare patients will be cut by 23 percent on Dec. 1 and another 6.5 percent on Jan. 1. In recent years, the payment formula has called for cuts, but each time lawmakers have stepped in to block them before...
Medicare premiums can increase with an increase in income
Many retirees and their financial advisers don't realize that a perfectly reasonable investment decision can wind up costing thousands of dollars in Medicare premiums.The hit could last a year or more, but can often be avoided with proper planning. Ellen Schultz...
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