Researchers at Stanford University looked at more than 4,500 trauma cases at 636 hospitals around the country to see what happened to critically injured patients brought to emergency rooms that aren’t designated trauma centers. They found that non-trauma centers were...
Month: February 2014
A Shortage of Caregivers
If you want fresh evidence of the caregiving crisis that lies in the not-too-distant future, look no further thanthe employment projections released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics late last year. Topping the list of occupations expected to grow between 2012 and...
The Pitfalls of Applying for Medicare
Roughly 3.65 million Americans will turn 65 this year and become eligible for Medicare. But be warned: There's nothing simple about signing up for the government's health-care insurance program.There are, on average, 20 Medicare Advantage plans, depending on which...
Alzheimer’s Caregivers Face Tough Challenges
According to the Alzheimer’s Association, more than 15 million people provide unpaid care for family members or friends with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia. The strain of the task has been shown in many studies to increase the...
Retirement Changes: Health Care, Social Security, and Medicare in 2014
Social Security changes to note in 2014 There haven't been significant Social Security reforms introduced since 1983. Still, early retirees especially will see some differences this year. And everyone gets a cost-of-living increase to his or her Social Security check...
Vast Study Casts Doubts on Value of Mammograms
One of the largest and most meticulous studies of mammography ever done, involving 90,000 women and lasting a quarter century, has added powerful new doubts about the value of the screening test for women of any age. It found that the death rates from breast cancer...
Why does Estate Planning seem complicated?
Estate Planning is complicated by our desire to control people and things. We sometimes use planning to encourage certain behavior which we view as desirable and to discourage behavior we don't like. Sometimes we don't give certain persons control of money or assets...
An Unusual Partnership to Tackle Stubborn Diseases
The National Institutes of Health, 10 large drug companies and seven nonprofit organizations announced an unconventional partnership on Tuesday intended to speed up development of drugs to treat Alzheimer’s disease, Type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. But...
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