1. Disabled workers under sixty-five (65) who have been employed long enough and recently enough under Social Security. 2. a person who became disabled before age twenty-two (22) if one of the parents who is covered by Social Security becomes disabled, retires with...
Month: July 2021
Problems with Do It Yourself Wills?
Just read a Kentucky case where the woman died and and had a do it yourself form will that she had done herself without the assistance of an attorney. She left everything to her husband. Problem was that her husband died before she did and no alternate beneficiaries...
What happens when you die and don’t have a beneficiary listed?
💰 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS 💰 What happens when you die and don’t have a beneficiary listed? Your retirement account, investments, etc… Let's say you forgot to list a beneficiary on one of those accounts. It happens quite often. Many times to will go...
What is a Joint Will?
We’re married and share everything anyway. Why shouldn’t we just have a joint will? . It sounds nice. But it’s a bad idea and here’s why: . ❌ A joint will CANNOT BE CHANGED once one of you dies. . In other words, your surviving spouse can’t do anything with the assets...
If my spouse dies do I always need to make a new will?
The answer is no but you still may want to for other reasons. Many times when we prepare simple wills we provide where assets will go if our spouse does not survive. We also name a backup executor if our spouse is not alive. If you are happy with all of your original...
What you need to know about applying for SSDI and SSI
Most Illinois residents pay into Social Security for years, hoping it will be there for them when they need it at any point in their life. This is particularly true when people become disabled and can no longer work to support themselves or their families. Social...
Your children will need a potential Guardian!!
Estate planning horror story #11: The forgotten children. . It was their anniversary, so they went out to celebrate and left the kids at home. . It was an icy, stormy day in January but they went anyway. . On their way home, they hit a patch of black ice and their car...
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