What are the three (3) categories of persons who can qualify for benefits under Title II of the Social Security Act?
A. Disabled workers under age 65 who have been employed or self employed long enough and recently enough under Social Security:
B. a person who has been disabled since childhood (before age 22) if one of their parents who is covered under the Social Security retires, becomes disabled or dies;
C. a disabled widow or widower between the age of fifty to sixty if the deceased spouse was covered under Social Security.
What is the difference between the Social Security disability insurance program (Title II) and the supplemental security income (SSI) program- known as Title XVI?
A. Title II provides cash benefits for those disabled workers and their dependents who have contributed to the Social Security Trust Fund through the FICA tax on their earnings.
B. Title XVI (SSI) provides for a minimum income level for for the needy, aged, blind, and disabled. A Person must meet a financial need standard.
Under both programs the definitions of disability are the same.
William Wombacher, your Central Illinois Certified Elder Law Attorney (CELA) and Social Security Disability Specialist. I=ll help you!
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