Is it time to downsize?

On Behalf of | Jun 22, 2018 | Uncategorized

As you grow older, having a large house may become more of a hassle than a benefit. When you were younger, having a big house was great as you raised your kids. But now, it might be too much. Owning a home might not be as enjoyable as it once was.

If you feel this way, downsizing might be an option for you. But how do you know if downsizing is a good option for your family?

Here are a few signs moving into a smaller home might be the right decision for you:

Not enjoying up-keep

Owning a home can be a lot of work and maintenance. There is yardwork and general home up-keep you may have to do. As you grow older, you may get sick of doing all of this work. You might want to use your free time for things you enjoy rather than taking care of a house. Downsizing can cut down on this extra work.

Too expensive

Home ownership also comes with a lot of expenses. Downsizing can decrease your expenses. Maintenance and general up-keep is a recurring cost. Large property taxes can also significantly impact your finances.

If you are feeling any sort of financial strain, you might want to consider downsizing. This can help you save money to use on other activities and items you really want. Selling your current home can give you an influx of cash, too.

Health concerns

As you get older, your health may be more of a concern to you. Living in a large house could become a problem down the road. For example, if you live in a multiple story home, you might not want to continue to walk up and down stairs when you get older. If you have any or could see any health concerns coming up in the future, downsizing might be a good idea to make your life easier.

There are many reasons to downsize. From finances to health concerns, downsizing can be tough but it may prove to be a significant benefit for you in the future.


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