With a New Year comes the reminder to review the key documents we have prepared that deal with very important issues! Ask yourself this question, If I was having a will, a trust or a power of attorney form prepared today would I do it differently than what I have presently? Do I have the correct destinations of beneficiaries on my IRA, 401(k) or life insurance? I can’t tell you how many times that after the passing of a loved one that family members told me that Mom or Dad had intended on changing this or that but it never happened. Do I still want that same person to handle my money if I become disabled? Who now is the best person to make health care decisions for me if I can’t make them myself? Have you lost a child since your documents were originally prepared? Have you bought or sold your house? Would you like to do something to assist your grandchildren with their education? Have some family members excluded you from their life and family?
Now is the time to get this done. I will guarantee you that you feel more at ease when these issues are addressed. So give me a call and we can discuss the various options.